Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting back in the habit....

I am not really sure what has happened... I have announced my intention to blog again to the world. I have even started mentally planning some blog post topics, thinking in "blogpostese", but I haven't managed to put words to screen. It is a funny thing. Maybe I am just out of the habit but I have trouble feeling like have time to blog, that I have the spare time to do it.

Is it because I am still mentally recuperating from all the stuff that contributed to me stopping blogging in the first place?? Primarily, most of that stress has subsided. (most of it.) But I am still feeling a little mentally inefficient. Maybe I have PTSD? I do know that I have felt like I have not been as good a communicator as I once was over the past few months/year. So, I will use this blog for communication rehab! After all, I do feel like there are some things in my life again that warrant talking about. I guess it is okay to start out slow.

So here we go....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back on the Blog!

I know I said it before but.... It's 2010! 2009 is gone (thankfully!) and I was able to sort through a bunch of things that were stressing me and taking up mental space. (Whew!)

I have missed my blog friends. I have even gotten a few nudges from the digital galaxy over the past couple months to remind me that my blog is still out here, waiting....

So, I am answering the call! I promise!

Stay tuned..... more to come! ;-)