Monday, September 08, 2008

An interesting result of Facebook friendship....

So.... The other day I was helping my boss with her blackberry and I saw that she had a Facebook app on it. So, I asked her where she got it and she showed me how to download it. Well, that night I got a friend request from her. It lead to a little dilemma....... Do I really want my boss to be my Facebok friend??? But.... I know she knows I use Facebook so if I don't accept that will raise suspicion. So, I accepted -- she's pretty cool anyway. I will just have to censor my status updates a little.

So, then, other people from work started friending me since they saw I was her friend. One of them is this woman who I have known professionally, although we haven't worked much together, for a while. We have worked at the same last 3 companies so she is a good professional contact.

But, after we became Facebook friends I began to realize that...... she is a RAGING Republican! Ugh! A Palin supporter nonetheless...... So, this has an interesting affect on our hallway chatter. Basically, now I strongly question her judgement and am not as excited about speaking to her. Am I wrong? Anyway, it doesnt affect my opinion of her work but I don't think I will be clamouring to hang out with her or go to lunch.... especially not before the election is over for a little while!

The unintended affect of technology!

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