Sunday, April 02, 2006

Acknowledging those in your community....

Sorry, it has taken me so long to post something new..... I have been fighting with a browser hijacker virus all weekend.... Please everyone, make sure that you have antivirus, antispyware and firewall software and that it is up to date and actively monitoring. Especially if you are doing a lot of surfing..... Take it from me!! I am still fighting this stupid thing!!!

Anyway, thought I would solicit your thoughts on something, you anonymous readers out there. There is something that I have noticed since I have been here in Atlanta and I am wondering if it is an Atlanta thing or just a change of the times because there are so many more people with locks out there in the world.......

Used to be, a few years ago, when I lived in another city, when I would encounter someone with locks on the street, or in the subway etc, we would acknowledge each other ---- with a nod or a hello --- an acknowledgement of the brother/sisterhood, of our joint membership in a society, an acknowledgement that we had something in common. I would liken it to the nod that black people would give each other when they passed each other on the street --- a sort of "Hey, you are like me. We are members in the same struggle" nod or greeting. (which, by the way, I don't see that much of anymore either...) What I am trying to say is that this doesn't happen to me in Atlanta. I mean, occasionally I will get people, mostly those without locks, coming up to me to compliment my hair but very little acknowledgement from those who have shared in a similar hair journey with me!

So, I am wondering...... Is this a common experience? Is this the same experience that you all are having out there? Or is it really, as I suspect, that Atlanta is different. That for some reason, that feeling of camaraderie does not exist here. I could be wrong and I am open to hear all opinions. So please, let me know what you think and what you have experienced...... I miss it!

Brunsli knows what I am talking about. She wrote about it here a few months ago....


Leighann said...

Hmm. I've been to ATL quite a few times, but honestly can't remember if this was an issue there. I live in NY and travel a good deal and I feel compelled to do the nod of acknowledgement. When I can, I just go right up and compliment - locks, naturals, TWAs it doesn't matter. You never know when a word/nod of support and encouragement will come just when someone needs it.

I'll be in ATL in May for a family wedding and try to remember to do a little field research. :-)

Quietspirit said...

I currently live in Philadelphia and have noticed that other locked individuals tend to acknowledge you. But I have often wondered if it is a matter of me staring at their locks. But I have also noticed that lately, as locks become more and more prevelant around the city, fewer locked heads nod at each other. I tend to be slow at initiating a conversation or at nodding but I always willing respond. I have also found that the nodding happens more frequently in different sections of the city. I work in University City and people tend to nod more there than in some of the neighborhoods.

C & C said...

anonymous loc-head and reader here! I live in Atlanta and have experience the complete OPPOSITE if what you are saying. More often than not I get the nod. For example, one day, on my way to the airport I was feeling the love. As I walked about a mile from my car to departures, EVERY brotha and sista I saw gave me a nod of acknowledgement. Every single one! Loved it! Example; White woman walking towards me, a sis was in front...the sis gives me the nod, I nod back. She (white lady) saw us. White lady smiles at me, I smile back. Just before she(white lady) walked fully past me another sis directly behind her nodded, I nodded back....Priceless.
PS...both of the sistas had relaxers.

Linda said...

I'm in Cleveland, Ohio, the midwest were change comes slowly. In Cleveland, I think that so few of us are natural that we do still make that non-verbal acknowledgement when we pass one another. Often times we don't say much, but when we do it is usally to share compliments and tips. I was in DC several weeks ago and had several sisters come up to me to ask where I had my Sisterlocks done, cost of installation and to compliment me. I was blown away as natural hair is so common there, but people also seem to feel more comfortable sharing. I even had one sister ask if she could touch my hair, which I appreciated, rather than just touching my hair without permission. We should feel proud to be part of a sort of sorority as we have embraced who we are as God created us. I'm proud to be a part of the "club" and always welcome tips or advice to help me optimize my hair experience.

Natural Kinks said...

I live in Boston MA and I often get the lock nod. I also lock nod other lock heads and nappies. Locks are taking off in a big way here. I can actually say that not a day goes by I don't see several people with locks, and most of those people give a nod wich just warms me soul.
Sisterlocks are a little more scarce so S/Lers here usually spark up conversations quite easily.

Maryee said...

Here in the big city of Waco, Tx, it's half a dozen, six in the other. Most admirers are those folks who are extremely ignorant of locks, but recognize them to be something different and a gateway to freedom from chemical bondage. The few locked folks here locally as well as natural folks, don't feel any need or desire to form a bond. So, my sister and I do a lot of educating folks, young and old. We also get plenty of compliments from young folks and non-blacks.

I'm flying into ATL this weekend for my line sister's wedding. I'm curious to see how the feedback will be. I'll holla back!