Monday, July 17, 2006

Returning to normal.....

Yeah, well, returning to normal is taking longer than I thought...... But I am almost done cleaning and unpacking!

Or rather, maybe I should say, instead of returning to normal maybe I should say..... figuring out what normal is now.

In a period of a month, I have left a job and started a new one and gone from renting a room in a friend's townhouse to owning a house that has it's own rental unit. I have gone from putting a lot of energy into trying to move from this city to setting up some pretty substantial roots. I have made a couple new friends and, it seems, lost one. Lots of change in a short time....

If someone had told me a few months ago that this was where I would be, I would be very surprised. But, change is good. You never know what life will bring...... I guess you just have to be ready for what comes your way..... :-)


Goodnapps said...

Absolutely! Change is good.

still waters said...

Congratulations and Enjoy, sounds like you are in a good place.

one love still

Minister of Style said...


I have found my loc Check it out at

Love your blog!!!!