Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Surprise Bachelorette Party

I have been meaning to post this for the longest time!So, in the midst of starting a new job and closing on my house, in June, I also went on a little trip! I know, I know.... you all are like another trip??? You just got back from Aruba! But, this one was for a special occasion --- it was a surprise Bachelorette trip for a friend of mine who is getting married in September. Yes, I did say surprise! "Well, how does that work?", you might be saying to yourself......

Well, you see, my friend, Shelly, who is the one getting married, has a group of friends from undergrad, who now live around the country but have stayed really close. So, they have this tradition of planning surprise bachelorette trips for each other when one is getting married. One time they went to Puerto Rico.... I can't remember the other places they went.... But basically, the surprisee knows that they are going on a trip but not where. All they know, or are told over time is what kind of weather to pack for and when to show up somewhere with their suitcase. And they get tortured during the weeks before with fake/and not so fake clues.....

So, the story this time was that we were going to Ohio! Each of the participants had an assignment of a clue to send Shelly ----Ohio Buckeye candy, monk-e-mail clues with Ohio trivia, stilettos and hotpants/shorts (don't ask! all will be revealed soon....) and Shelly was totally confused!

The day we left, she was picked up by a good-looking bald guy in a tight t-shirt, driving a convertible --- still didnt know where she was going. When they got to the airport, he handed her a bag --- it contained her ticket and a t-shirt that she was instructed to put on for the rest of her trip. Now, we had all flown in earlier and called her after her flight landed. Here she is when we picked her up!

Check out her shirt! Apparently, it was the source of much conversations on her flights! On the back it said " Napa Valley!" So that is how Shelly found out where she was going........

See posting about Day 2 & 3 below. I wanted to keep the posts in order....


Creyole said...

Cute idea...humm food for thought! Looks like you gals had a blast!

Maryee said...

Ya'll knew how to party!!!