Friday, February 15, 2008

No maybe about it!

Yesterday, I went to go see the movie Definitely, Maybe with Ryan Reynolds and Abigail Breslin and I have to tell you..... it was the sweetest movie I have seen in a long time!

for those of you who are not familiar with it, the story is about this guy, who is in the process of getting a divorce, who's 10 year-old daughter, out of concern for her father's happiness, convinces him to tell her the story of his love life in an effort to understand why he ended up with her mother and get a clue to how he might be able to find happiness post-divorce. He agrees under the stipulation that the real names were changed and it becomes a game for her to try to figure out which woman he tells her about is actually her mother.

I have to tell you, this is like every Nora Ephron movie and Serendipity (with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale) all rolled into one with the cutest most endearing daughter you have ever seen. I think I got about 3 or 4 good cries out of this move and not necessarily in the places you would expect. Derek Luke (of Antwon Fisher fame) also has a role in this movie. I can't wait to this to come out on DVD so I can buy it (and put it next of Love, Actually in the girlie part of my DVD collection!)

1 comment:

WandaWoman said...

I love Love, Actually too. A good movie to have on the girly/romantic title of your DVD library. Thanks for the review of this movie. I definitely have to see it.