Monday, August 04, 2008

Some of the best microwave-steamed vegetables ever!

I have been a big fan of the microwave steamed vegetables that they sell in the frozen food section and have been for a while. It is a quick and easy way to get something really close to fresh without having to worry about spoilage.

I have noticed that this segment has really taken off and there is more variety, especially since Bob Green tagged some as "Best Life" products.

The last time I was in the store, I noticed that Birds Eye had created another line extension of these vegetables called "Steam & Serve" that comes in a black oval serving dish. I decided to buy a couple varieties since they seemed a little different from what I normally buy. They are all medleys with a light sauce. The first one I tried was a variety called Beans with a Twist. It is a combination of green and yellow beans, carrots and cranberries (yes, cranberries) in an herbed butter sauce. Can I say that this medley is to die for! They have about 4 or 5 other varieties as well that are very good but this one is by far my favorite.

So, next time you are in the grocery store, think about picking one of these up!

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