Monday, June 18, 2007

Before and after pics

Okay so you asked for before and after pictures of my little yard project. Unfortunately, I did not take a specific before picture but I was able to find one I had taken a while ago. You can't see the path all that well but I think you get the general idea......

And here are the after pictures...... What do you think?

I think it is definitely an improvement. I am thinking of putting solar lights along it as well since it gets very dark back there at night.


AfroSaxon said...

I like!!! The rocks brighten up the landscaping. Good job!

Anonymous said...

It looks nice, Very Nice!!!!

You've been Tagged! See my blog for details...

Take care~

Q.Jones said...

Good job!! Keep us posted with all the new additions. HGTV here you come...

blackrussian said...

It does look very good!

C & C said...

very niiiiice!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! This looks great and makes a real difference. Very professional work!