Saturday, December 08, 2007

Job search update: Day 85 - the thrill is gone....

So I have been contemplating writing another job search update post for a while but to be quite frank, not that much has happened. I have gone to all the Tuesday morning breakfast sessions, reached out to tons of folks via email or phone, gotten replies from some, met or talked with others but nothing really substantive has come of it yet.

I have been keeping an open mind but it is all starting to get old. The novelty of being out of work is wearing off after 3 months and I am getting a little bored and frustrated. I even decided to do a little seasonal retail work to pass the time since things are slowing down on the job market and put in my application at a store where a friend of mine works. Turns out the store manager has been out for the past two weeks so she hasn't been looking at applications and the season is passing by.... I am starting to feel a bit of the whole Groundhog day syndrome. Every day the same thing.

I did take a few days off from the job search thing and bought Christmas decorations. I also did some cooking and my refrigerator is filled and I am getting sick of washing dishes. Even with taking time away from the job search, a couple balls that I had in the air kept on moving so I have a few folks to contact next week. Eventhough it is slim that I would even get an interview between now and next year, it is still a good idea to get on people's radar ahead of time. I know that a couple of companies I am targeting are planning expansion starting in January so i will need to hit the ground raring to go!


blackrussian said...

Hey RDP - I've missed you...I was the one who was away, not you!

If you've visited my blog, you understand what I have been up to and why I've been so self-involved.

I lost a job in August of 2005 and I could not BUY real a job for the rest of the year. I had never been out of work for more than 3 weeks before then, but I had also never looked for work in the last quarter either.

I got a few temp gigs - one in tech support and a holiday retail-merchandising thing, but nobody will commit to hiring until after the new year from about October on. I didn't start working again until mid-Feb 2006.

I didn't say that to discourage you. I said that to say: that's how it goes at this time of the year. (And I am SURE I am not the first to tell you that.)

2008 is a new start and I'm sure you will have something nailed down within the NEXT 85 days!

RedDredPrincess said...

Aww, blackrussian! Thanks for the words of encouragement. They mean a lot. It is hard to keep a stiff upper lip all the time!