Sunday, April 01, 2007

Jamiacan hospitality....

We had a great time in Jamiaca and I just wanted to thank all those we met for the Jamaican hospitality! Yes, there were the fair share of folks hawking watersports, souvenirs and that infamous Jamaican plant, but there were also a number of gracious people who made our trip even more of a pleasure. There are many more people than depicted here who looked out for us and shared the Jamaican love, including King, Needle, Kevin and Mark 2 at the Idle Awhile bar.

Special shout out to Still Waters who traversed the island (more than once!) to hang out with us during our visit!
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brunsli said...

I think you need to explain why Mark 3 is wearing a purse!!

And, you forgot to point out that that's *champagne* we're drinking on the beach! We may not smoke the herb, but we do have stylish vices!

(And of course, Randy's not Jamaican, not even a little bit.)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a blast was had. I would def. like to know why the brotha is wearing a purse (lol)!

RedDredPrincess said...

Okay, okay.... Mark 3 is wearing a purse (Brunsli's to be specific) because he was holding our purses while we took pictures at the Rick's Cafe sign.....