Sunday, March 11, 2007


So, this daylight savings time change is just another reason why I am annoyed with this moronic president that we have. Not only has he turned a trade surplus into a gaping, record setting trade deficit, used short-sided, sophomoric and duplicitous rationale to plunge us into a war analogous to a 21st century Vietnam, and set US diplomatic relations back 25 years, he's got to mess with time too!?!?

Now, the rationale for this change is the "energy savings" of less electricity used since there is more natural light during the hours that people are awake (yeah, I dont really get this either) and the potential economic lift that could possible come from more daylight in the evenings that would encourage people to be out, about and spending money during this additional time of light.

Oh come on! Talk about grasping at straws! How about the money that companies are having to spend in overtime to reprogram computer systems and apply patches to "accomodate" a change that has been automated for years?? I understand to benefit of DST in general (I'll talk more about that in a future post) but how about trying applying some real fiscal policy instead of grasping for lame meaningless PR attempts at improving the economy...... But then again, that would be contrary to anything that has happened during his two terms as president. Why expect it to change now?

I can't believe this is the guy folks elected to represent our country.....

Can we just get him out of here before he does any more damage???

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