Monday, March 12, 2007

Its the little things.....

So, i got word a little while back about the bonus percentage that folks got for 2006 at my old company --- it was like a record high bonus percentage (I have my theories about why but we won't get into all that.) I couldn't help but feel a little upset. I had actually forgone a half year's bonus when I changed jobs last year and then, on top of that, I could have had a huge bonus if I stayed......

But then I started thinking......"how would I really quantify the piece of mind that I have as result of my job change?" I was so unhappy at my old job, unmotivated by working on trials and projects that would only end up getting cancelled when it was time for the company to actually pony up real money to support it..... Instead, I am working at a new company in a new division that is viewed as the future of the company, that the company is reinvesting it's profits into to make it a success. I am surrounded by a bunch of people who are hardworking and engaged instead of just working for a paycheck and finding every way to not do anything more than the basics......

And really, it is the little things that show the difference. People care about their surroundings, they clean up after themselves in the kitchen and clean the microwaves out if they spill something, the mail people take down any mail that is left in the outbox, even if it is personal mail, the refrigerator gets cleaned out every week....... Now, none of these things seem like big deals but it was the opposite of how it was at my old company and it indicative, I think, of a general difference in attitude that I really appreciate.

I was talking to my mom on the phone, when a co-worker, who also used to work at my old company, called to confirm that the bonus % someone had told her about was really true. When I clicked back over, I was telling my mom about it and she made this comment about me being much happier now. I know I am happier now but I didnt really know it was that evident! So how do you quantify piece of mind? Guess money really can't buy you happiness.....


brunsli said...

Yup! Or I'd be rich working for BigConsultingCo still!

You did the right thing.

Goodnapps said...

A little bit of peace of mind is well you know.....Priceless

Cluizel said...

Yeah for jobs that make people happy! There are too many miserable people who just get a paycheck and go home.

Wow...I felt the same way this year when my old coworkers got their typical great bonus...but due to my job hopping I didn't get one this year. :(