Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My morning obstacle course.....

So, first of all.... it is supposed to be 80 degrees and sunny today! And then, I felt like I was in a level of the Sims getting to work today! Is someone conspiring against me?!?

So, my commute to work is only 2 miles but there where like 5 obstacles in my way this morning. First, construction had taken the main road that I take down to one lane for both ways about a 1/4 of a mile from my house so it took a few minutes before the policeman who was directing traffic let us pass. Then, about a block away, they had taken the street down to one lane each way at this intersection, which caused a little confusion.

So then, it seemed like I was home free.... I made the turn to cut through this residential neighborhood that runs behind my office building and when I got to the part where I vear left, there, with no warning of the impending detour, was a motocycle cop there directing folks to vear right instead because the road was closed. Curses! So I veared right and looped around back on the the road I started on to try to take an alternate route. Mind you, this neighborhood is notoriously tricky to navigate. My theory is that they made all the roads turn and winds aroound to keep the black people from coming near all the rich white folks homes! I mean, I am pretty directionally astute (people ask me for directions when I am in foreign countires!) but it even took me a while to get this whole things figured out...... So back on the other road, II veared left instead of right like a did originally to loop around and end up on the street I was heading for in the first place.

Home free right? Well, not quite..... When I am almost out of the neighborhood, there was another motorcycle cop pulling folks over for going over 30mph in this 25mph residential neighborhood as they cut through on their way to work. (Mind you, lets not talk about the fact that , 3 miles away, there are folks standing on street corners selling drugs just around the corner from the police headquarters -- that is a story for another time.) This traffic stop didnt surprise me --- they do this at least once every month, probably because some rich person complained about the traffic in their lovely tree lined neighboorhood and also because, it is much eaiser and more lucrative to harass people who are on their way to work with a ticket than actually do something to make the streets safer for the majority of it's citizens. I mean, if they are on their way to work, at least you know that they have a job and will likely just pay the ticket. (I won't how much revenue this little endeavor routinely brings in...)

With this on top of all the other obstacles in my way, I began to wonder if someone wasn't trying to tell me something and I shouldn't just turn around and head on back home.... But then I remembered that I have a meeting with boss this morning to talk about my annual salary treatment for the year.....

And here I am at my desk! Money can be a a good motivator for some things!

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