Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Doh! Why I was late to work today....

There is one word for why I was late to work today........Tivo!

I have a DVR that I love! And last night I was watching something on TV and had to walk away so I paused it so I could resume watching it when I got back.

This morning when I got up, I went through my regular morning ritual and turned on the TV to watch Good Morning America as I always do. I rely on the little time and temperature clock in the bottom right corner to keep me on schedule as I do whatever I do in the morning (this morning that included calling a plumber... but that is another story...) At any rate, at some point I went upstairs and turned on the TV there and I couldnt figure out when they were not in sync. From time to time there is a delay of a couple seconds between recievers but this difference seemed to be dramatic.

It wasnt until I was about to walk on the door that I figured out that had happened. Because I have never forwarded to the current playing time last night and never changed the channel, my DVR was broadcasting 10 minutes behind!


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